name: Keycloak CI on: push: branches-ignore: - main - dependabot/** pull_request: schedule: - cron: 0 20,23,2,5 * * * workflow_dispatch: env: DEFAULT_JDK_VERSION: 11 DEFAULT_JDK_DIST: temurin concurrency: # Only cancel jobs for PR updates group: ci-${{ github.head_ref || github.run_id }} cancel-in-progress: true defaults: run: shell: bash jobs: build: name: Build if: github.event_name != 'schedule' || github.repository == 'keycloak/keycloak' runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Build Keycloak uses: ./.github/actions/build-keycloak unit-tests: name: Base UT runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build timeout-minutes: 30 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - id: unit-test-setup name: Unit test setup uses: ./.github/actions/unit-test-setup - name: Run unit tests run: ./mvnw install -nsu -B -DskipTestsuite -DskipQuarkus -DskipExamples base-integration-tests: name: Base IT needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 100 strategy: matrix: group: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] fail-fast: false steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - id: integration-test-setup name: Integration test setup uses: ./.github/actions/integration-test-setup - name: Run base tests run: | TESTS=`testsuite/integration-arquillian/tests/base/testsuites/ ${{ }}` echo "Tests: $TESTS" ./mvnw install -nsu -B -Pauth-server-quarkus -Dtest=$TESTS -pl testsuite/integration-arquillian/tests/base | misc/log/ quarkus-integration-tests: name: Quarkus IT needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 115 strategy: matrix: server: [zip, container, storage] fail-fast: false env: MAVEN_OPTS: -Xmx1024m steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - id: unit-test-setup name: Unit test setup uses: ./.github/actions/unit-test-setup - name: Run Quarkus integration Tests run: | declare -A PARAMS PARAMS["zip"]="" PARAMS["container"]="-Dkc.quarkus.tests.dist=docker" PARAMS["storage"]="-Ptest-database -Dtest=PostgreSQLDistTest,MariaDBDistTest#testSuccessful,MySQLDistTest#testSuccessful,DatabaseOptionsDistTest,JPAStoreDistTest,HotRodStoreDistTest,MixedStoreDistTest" ./mvnw install -nsu -B -pl quarkus/tests/integration -am -DskipTests ./mvnw test -nsu -B -pl quarkus/tests/integration ${PARAMS["${{ matrix.server }}"]} | misc/log/ jdk-integration-tests: name: Java Distribution IT needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 100 strategy: matrix: dist: [temurin] version: [17, 19] fail-fast: false steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - id: integration-test-setup name: Integration test setup uses: ./.github/actions/integration-test-setup with: jdk-dist: ${{ matrix.dist }} jdk-version: ${{ matrix.version }} - name: Prepare Quarkus distribution with current JDK run: ./mvnw install -nsu -B -e -pl testsuite/integration-arquillian/servers/auth-server/quarkus - name: Run base tests run: | TESTS=`testsuite/integration-arquillian/tests/base/testsuites/ jdk` echo "Tests: $TESTS" ./mvnw install -nsu -B -Pauth-server-quarkus -Pdb-${{ matrix.db }} -Dtest=$TESTS -pl testsuite/integration-arquillian/tests/base | misc/log/ new-store-integration-tests: name: New Store IT needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 45 strategy: matrix: db: [chm, hot-rod, jpa] fail-fast: false steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - id: integration-test-setup name: Integration test setup uses: ./.github/actions/integration-test-setup - name: Run base tests run: | declare -A PARAMS PARAMS["chm"]="-Pmap-storage -Dpageload.timeout=90000" PARAMS["hot-rod"]="-Pmap-storage,map-storage-hot-rod -Dpageload.timeout=90000" PARAMS["jpa"]="-Pmap-storage,map-storage-jpa -Dpageload.timeout=90000" TESTS=`testsuite/integration-arquillian/tests/base/testsuites/ database` echo "Tests: $TESTS" ./mvnw install -nsu -B -Pauth-server-quarkus ${PARAMS["${{ matrix.db }}"]} -Dtest=$TESTS -pl testsuite/integration-arquillian/tests/base | misc/log/ legacy-store-integration-tests: name: Legacy Store IT needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 45 strategy: matrix: db: [postgres, mysql] # 'mariadb' is not always shutting down, 'mssql', 'oracle11g' containers not available fail-fast: false steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - id: integration-test-setup name: Integration test setup uses: ./.github/actions/integration-test-setup - name: Run base tests run: | TESTS=`testsuite/integration-arquillian/tests/base/testsuites/ database` echo "Tests: $TESTS" ./mvnw install -nsu -B -Pauth-server-quarkus -Pdb-${{ matrix.db }} -Dtest=$TESTS -pl testsuite/integration-arquillian/tests/base | misc/log/ store-model-tests: name: Store Model Tests runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build timeout-minutes: 60 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - id: integration-test-setup name: Integration test setup uses: ./.github/actions/integration-test-setup - name: Run model tests run: testsuite/model/ clustering-integration-tests: name: Legacy Clustering IT needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 35 env: MAVEN_OPTS: -Xmx1024m steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - id: integration-test-setup name: Integration test setup uses: ./.github/actions/integration-test-setup - name: Run cluster tests run: | ./mvnw install -nsu -B -Pauth-server-cluster-quarkus -Dsession.cache.owners=2 -Dtest=**.cluster.** -pl testsuite/integration-arquillian/tests/base | misc/log/ fips-unit-tests: name: FIPS UT runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build timeout-minutes: 20 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - id: unit-test-setup name: Unit test setup uses: ./.github/actions/unit-test-setup - name: Run crypto tests (BCFIPS non-approved mode) run: ./mvnw install -nsu -B -am -pl crypto/default,crypto/fips1402,crypto/elytron -Dcom.redhat.fips=true - name: Run crypto tests (BCFIPS approved mode) run: ./mvnw install -nsu -B -am -pl crypto/default,crypto/fips1402,crypto/elytron -Dcom.redhat.fips=true -Dorg.bouncycastle.fips.approved_only=true fips-integration-tests: name: FIPS IT needs: build runs-on: ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes: 45 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - id: integration-test-setup name: Integration test setup uses: ./.github/actions/integration-test-setup - name: Prepare Quarkus distribution with BCFIPS run: ./mvnw install -nsu -B -e -pl testsuite/integration-arquillian/servers/auth-server/quarkus -Pauth-server-quarkus,auth-server-fips140-2 - name: Run base tests run: | TESTS=`testsuite/integration-arquillian/tests/base/testsuites/ fips` echo "Tests: $TESTS" ./mvnw install -nsu -B -Pauth-server-quarkus,auth-server-fips140-2 -Dtest=$TESTS -pl testsuite/integration-arquillian/tests/base | misc/log/ check-set-status: name: Set check conclusion needs: - unit-tests - base-integration-tests - quarkus-integration-tests - jdk-integration-tests - new-store-integration-tests - legacy-store-integration-tests - store-model-tests - clustering-integration-tests - fips-unit-tests - fips-integration-tests runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: conclusion: ${{ steps.check.outputs.conclusion }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - id: check uses: ./.github/actions/checks-success check: name: Check if: always() && ( github.event_name != 'schedule' || github.repository == 'keycloak/keycloak' ) needs: [check-set-status] runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Check status uses: ./.github/actions/checks-job-pass with: conclusion: ${{ needs.check-set-status.outputs.conclusion }}