% layout 'default'; % title 'UNIX.dog Registration';


<% if (my $err = stash 'err') { %>

<%= $err %>

<% if (my $failed = stash 'failed' and my $v = stash 'v') { %> <% } %> <% } %>

Before registering for UNIX.dog, please be sure you agree with our rules. Once you've read them, you can register! Please keep in mind that accounts will be verified by hand. An email will be sent to you from one of the admins when your account has been verified. Please make sure that you check your spam folder.

If you have more concerns about your registration, feel free to contact alpha at this domain.

%= form_for register => (method => 'POST') => begin

%= label_for username => 'Username:' %= text_field 'username', id=>'username'

%= label_for password => 'Password:' %= password_field 'password', id=>'password'

%= label_for email => 'EMail:' %= email_field 'email', id=>'email'

%= label_for pubkey => 'Put your SSH keys here. Separate them by a newline if you have multiple.'
%= text_area 'pubkey', id=>'pubkey', class=>'big'

%= label_for bio => 'Tell us a bit about yourself here. Feel free to put some links, too :)'
%= text_area 'bio', id=>'bio', class=>'big'

%= submit_button % end