% title 'UNIX.dog Account'; % layout 'default'; <% if (my $err = stash 'err') { %>

<%= $err %>

<% if (my $failed = stash 'failed' and my $v = stash 'v') { %> <% } %> <% } %>

Please note that this information is public. We don't recommend that you publish your actual phone number or actual name, but it's fun for some jokes. :)

Here is your current information:

%= form_for account => (method => 'POST') => begin

%= label_for gecos => 'GECOS field:' %= text_field gecos => $gecos, id => 'gecos'

%= label_for givenName => 'First name:' %= text_field givenName => $givenName, id => 'givenName'

%= label_for surname => 'Last name:' %= text_field surname => $surname, id => 'surname'

%= label_for loginShell => 'Login shell:' %= text_field loginShell => $loginShell, id => 'loginShell'

%= label_for roomNumber => 'Room number:' %= text_field roomNumber => $roomNumber, id => 'roomNumber'

%= label_for telNum => 'Telephone number:' %= text_field telNum => $telNum, id => 'telNum'

%= label_for sshKeys => 'SSH keys. Add a newline if you have multiple.'
%= text_area sshKeys => $sshKeys, id => 'sshKeys'

Leave this blank if you don't want to change your password.
%= label_for newPasswd => 'New password:' %= password_field 'newPasswd', id => 'newPasswd'

%= label_for curPasswd => 'Current password:' %= password_field 'curPasswd', id => 'curPasswd'

%= submit_button 'Update!' % end