% layout 'default'; % title 'UNIX.dog Announcements'; % use Time::Piece;


These announcements are also avaiable over RSS. Just add .rss to the path here.
Also, all announcements are signed with the following PGP key:

67A3 9437 8618 B72E B4D5  CC69 B0EB E117 49B9 9367 alpha@unix.dog

so you can verify their authenticity. When a new announcement is out, you should also recieve an email if you're registered.

<% my @sorted = sort (keys %$announcements); %> <% foreach my $key (@sorted[$start_index..$end_index]) { %> <% my $value = $announcements->{$key}; %>

<%= $value->{"title"} %>

Posted <%= localtime($value->{"date"})->strftime() %>. ">Download PGP signature.

<%= $value->{"text"} %>
<% } %> <% if ($next_page != -1) { %> Next page... <% } %>