
115 lines
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% title ' Services';
% layout 'default';
<h1>Legacy Service Bridging</h1>
<p> runs a few bridges to other services, documented on
this page.
<h2>Matrix Bifrost</h2>
The ARIA-net fork of Bifrost is set up to provide access to
XMPP MUCs and Matrix rooms to users of both services. Use
the <a href="#bridgehelper">bridge helper</a> below to
quickly get the correct address.
The Bifrost instance on is set up as follows:
From XMPP, use for rooms
and for users.
From Matrix, use for users and for MUCs.
<h2>Biboumi IRC Bridge</h2>
Biboumi provides access to IRC networks from XMPP. The
component domain is
You can connect to IRC channels using the syntax
<section id="bridgehelper">
<h2>XMPP and Matrix Bridge Helper</h2>
<p id="result">
<noscript>Since JS is disabled, this form will send the addresses to
the server to convert.</noscript>
<form id="bridging" method="post">
<label for="bridge_service">Bridge:</label>
<select name="bridge" id="bridge_service">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="aria-net">ARIA-net</option>
<select name="type" id="bridge_type">
<option value="muc">XMPP MUC:</option>
<option value="room">Matrix Room:</option>
<option value="jid">XMPP User:</option>
<option value="user">Matrix User:</option>
<input type="text" id="handle" name="handle" required />
<input type="submit"/>
const conversion = {
"": {
"muc": jid => (s => `#_xmpp_${s[0]}_${s[1]}`)(jid.split("@")),
"room": rm => `${rm.replace(":","#")}`,
"jid": jid => `@_xmpp_${jid.replace("@", "=40")}`,
"user": u => `${u.slice(1).replace(":","_")}`
"aria-net": {
"muc": jid => (s => `#_bifrost_${s[0]}_${s[1]}`)(jid.split("@")),
"room": rm => `${rm.replace(":","#")}`,
"jid": jid => `@_bifrost_${jid.replace("@", "=40")}`,
"user": u => `${u.slice(1).replace(":", "_")}`
const urlify = {
"room": jid => `xmpp:${encodeURI(jid)}?join`,
"muc": room => `${encodeURI(room.slice(1))}`,
"user": jid => `xmpp:${encodeURI(jid)}?roster`,
"jid": u => `${encodeURI(u)}`,
const form = document.getElementById("bridging");
const output = document.getElementById("result");
form.addEventListener("submit", e => {
const formData = new FormData(form);
let service = formData.get("bridge");
let type = formData.get("type");
let handle = formData.get("handle");
let bridged = conversion[service][type](handle);
output.textContent = `Use address `
let link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = urlify[type](bridged);
link.textContent = bridged;