
465 lines
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module SolutionPA2 where
import Prelude hiding (mod,double,square,sum,reverse)
-- command to run the test:
-- ghc /home/cs/cs420/autograder/PA2/Test.hs -e main
-- colored printing enabled
coloredPrint = True
--Write your solution below--
--Write your solutions after Function Type, the sentence after that is just a placeholder
-- Part A: Basic Haskell Prelude
-- In this part of the assignment you will create your own prelude libraries
--Write your own modulus function that is calculate the remainder
-- myMod 12 4
-- >>> 0
-- myMod 12 5
-- >>> 2
-- myMod 12 12
-- >>> 0
myMod :: Int -> Int -> Int
-- Idea: Use integer division, multiply back out, and find the
-- difference.
myMod x y = x - (y * div x y)
--The function is to convert a positive number to a list of number, if it is negative or 0 then return empty list
-- toDigit 13
-- >>> [1,3]
-- toDigit 0
-- >>> []
-- toDigit (-13)
-- >>> []
toDigit :: Int -> [Int]
toDigit n | n <= 0 = []
-- Resursive step.
-- Call toDigit with the number divided by 10, and append that
-- to the list with just the last digit (mod)
| otherwise = toDigit (div n 10) ++ [myMod n 10]
--reverseList (10 pts)
--The function is used to reverse a list of arbitrary type
-- reverseList ['a','b','c']
-- >>> "cba"
-- reverseList [1,2,3,4]
-- >>> [4,3,2,1]
-- reverseList "racecar"
-- >>> "racecar"
reverseList :: [a] -> [a]
-- Base case.
reverseList [] = []
-- Recursive step, use pattern matching to get last part of list,
-- reverse it, and then append the first element at the end.
reverseList (x:xs) = reverseList xs ++ [x]
--The function is used to get the sum of a list of number
-- sumList [1,2,3,4]
-- >>> 10
-- sumList [1,2,3,(-2)]
-- >>> 4
-- sumList []
-- >>> 0
sumList :: [Int] -> Int
-- Base case.
sumList [] = 0
-- Recursive step, use pattern matching to split list into first
-- element, and add it to the sum of everything else.
sumList (x:xs) = sumList xs + x
--toDigitRev is used to reverse toDigit list
-- toDigitRev 34
-- >>> [4,3]
-- toDigitRev 53
-- >>> [3,5]
-- toDigitRev 10
-- >>> [0,1]
toDigitRev :: Int -> [Int]
-- Just use reverseList and toDigit.
toDigitRev n = reverseList (toDigit n)
-- Part B: Folding Function
-- In this part of the problems, you have to use foldr. Every function will be check for the foldr unless specified otherwise such as doubleEveryOther
-- Without using foldr, your function will be mark 0 even if the output is correct
--Write your own double function that is using foldr
--without using fold it will be 0 even the output is right
-- myDouble 2
-- >>> 4
-- myDouble 4
-- >>> 8
-- myDouble 0
-- >>> 0
myDouble :: Int -> Int
-- We can sum the list of 2 of the parameter.
myDouble n = foldr (+) 0 [n,n]
-- doubleEveryOther will double the value of every other digit from left to right, beginning with the second digit
-- NOTE: You do not have to use foldr for this particular function.
-- doubleEveryOther [1,2,3,4]
-- >>> [1,4,3,8]
-- doubleEveryOther [1,2,3]
-- >>> [1,4,3]
doubleEveryOther :: [Int] -> [Int]
-- Base cases.
doubleEveryOther [] = []
doubleEveryOther [x] = [x]
-- In the recursive case, just multiply the 2nd element from the start.
-- Then doubleEveryOther on the rest of the list.
doubleEveryOther (x:y:xs) = x : myDouble y : doubleEveryOther xs
--Write your own my square function using foldr
-- mySquare 0
-- >>> 0
-- mySquare 1
-- >>> 1
-- mySquare (-5)
-- >>> 25
mySquare :: Int -> Int
-- Use foldr with a list of [n,n] and *.
mySquare n = foldr (*) 1 [n,n]
-- Write sqSum function such that sqSum [x1, ... , xn] should return (x1^2 + ... + xn^2)
-- >>> sqSum []
-- 0
-- >>> sqSum [1,2,3,4]
-- 30
-- >>> sqSum [(-1), (-2), (-3), (-4)]
-- 30
sqSum :: [Int] -> Int
-- The lambda function should square and then add to accumulator.
sqSum = foldr (\x acc -> mySquare x + acc) 0
--sumDigits is to add the sum of all the number inside the list that is already turn into single digit (10 pts)
-- sumDigits [1,10,12] which is 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 2
-- >>> 5
-- sumDigits [23,32,(-45)] which is 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 0
-- >>> 10
sumDigits :: [Int] -> Int
-- The lambda will take the sum of the list of digits of each element
-- and add it to the accumulator.
sumDigits = foldr (\x acc -> acc + (sumList $ toDigit x)) 0
-- sepConcat will concatenate the defined seperator to a list of string. If the list is empty despite the defined seperator return empty string.
-- sepConcat ", " []
-- >>> ""
-- sepConcat ", " ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
-- >>> "foo, bar, baz"
-- sepConcat "#" ["a","b","c","d","e"]
-- >>> "a#b#c#d#e"
sepConcat :: String -> [String] -> String
-- The lambda in foldR will prepend the strings+separator to the accumulator but
-- skip the separator in the beginning so that the string doesn't end in
-- a separator.
sepConcat sep = foldr (\x acc -> x ++ if acc == [] then acc else sep ++ acc) ""
-- Part C: Credit Card problem
-- Using the above written functions, create a validate function will decide if a number is legal to use as credit card using Luhn algorithm
-- Luhn algorithm:
-- 1) Double the value of every other digit from right to left, beginning with the second to last digit.
-- 2) Add the digits of the results of Step 1 to the remaining digits in the credit card number.
-- 3) If the result mod 10 is equal to 0, the number is valid. If the result mod 10 is not equal to 0, the validation fails.
-- source: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/order-management-sw/9.3.0?topic=cpms-handling-credit-cards
--To validate the credit card using this website
--To generate using same website above or this
-- validate 4723304884813
-- >>> True
-- validate 4012888888881881
-- >>> True
-- validate 4012888888881882
-- >>> False
validate :: Int -> Bool
-- Application of all our functions.
validate n = myMod (sumDigits (doubleEveryOther (toDigitRev n))) 10 == 0
-- PartD: Sorts algorithms
-- splitHalf will split a list of number to 2 half
-- splitHalf [1,2,3,4,5]
-- >>> ([1,2],[3,4,5])
-- splitHalf [1,2,3,4,5,6]
-- >>> ([1,2,3],[4,5,6])
-- helper function
-- Base case.
mySplit 0 p = p
-- mySplit will collect from the 2nd ordered pair, and move n
-- elements into the first list.
-- This is done recursively by decrementing n on each call, and moving
-- one y into left of the ordered pair.
mySplit n (xs,(y:ys)) = mySplit (n-1) (xs++[y], ys)
splitHalf :: [a] -> ([a], [a])
-- splitHalf simply calls mySplit with n = length / 2.
splitHalf xs = mySplit (div l 2) ([], xs)
where l = length xs
-- mergeList will merge 2 list that is sorted by the key value b
-- mergeList [("dat",1),("scott",5)] [("dan",3),("scott",4)]
-- >>> [("dat",1),("dan",3),("scott",4),("scott",5)]
-- mergeList [("danny",35),("scott",5)] [("dan",3),("scott",4)]
-- >>> [("dan",3),("scott",4),("danny",35),("scott",5)]
mergeList :: Ord b => [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)] -> [(a, b)]
-- Base case.
-- If one of the lists is empty, then we can just return one of the
-- lists.
mergeList [] pys = pys
mergeList pxs [] = pxs
-- Lots of pattern matching.
-- axs, ays = "All xs"
-- x,y = Sorting value
-- ys,xs = "Rest of xs"
mergeList axs@( px@(_,x) : xs) ays@( py@(_,y) : ys)
-- If x <= y, the first pair ps should go first.
-- Then we can merge the rest of xs with all of ays.
| x <= y = px : mergeList xs ays
-- Otherwise, we can just call mergeList again and prepend py.
| otherwise = py : mergeList axs ys
-- mergeSort will sort using mergeList function
-- mergeSort [("dat",1),("scott",5),("Tim",2)]
-- >>> [("dat",1),("Tim",2),("scott",5)]
-- mergeSort [("dat",1),("dan",5),("scott",4),("scottish",3)]
-- >>> [("dat",1),("dat2",3),("scott",4),("scott",5)]
-- Some helper function
-- Apply a function that takes 2 params and apply it to an ordered pair
-- with the 2 parameters.
applyPair :: (a->b->c) -> (a,b) -> c
applyPair f (x,y) = f x y
-- Apply a function to each part of the pair.
applyEachPair :: (a->b) -> (a,a) -> (b,b)
applyEachPair f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
mergeSort :: Ord b => [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)]
-- Base cases
mergeSort [] = []
mergeSort [x] = [x]
-- To merge a list xs,
-- we split the list in half, and recursive apply mergeSort to each
-- half.
-- Then, we mergeList on both of them.
mergeSort xs = applyPair mergeList (applyEachPair mergeSort (splitHalf xs))
-- Part E - working with new type
-- Note: You should not use fold anywhere in this part of the assignment
type BigInt = [Int]
-- You will be writing three helper functions to solve bigAdd, mulByDigit, bigMul
-- `clone x n` returns a `[x,x,...,x]` containing `n` copies of `x`
-- clone 3 5
-- >>> [3,3,3,3,3]
-- clone "foo" 2
-- >>> ["foo", "foo"]
clone :: a -> Int -> [a]
-- Base case
clone _ 0 = []
-- Create a list with [x], then recursive call function.
clone x n = x : clone x (n-1)
-- `padZero l1 l2` returns a pair (l1', l2') which are the input lists,
-- padded with extra `0` on the left such that the lengths of `l1'`
-- and `l2'` are equal.
-- padZero [9,9] [1,0,0,2]
-- >>> ([0,0,9,9], [1,0,0,2])
-- padZero [1,0,0,2] [9,9]
-- >>> ([1,0,0,2], [0,0,9,9])
-- Helper function
clonez = clone 0
padZero :: BigInt -> BigInt -> (BigInt, BigInt)
-- If left is longer, clone zeros and prepend to right.
-- If right is longer, clone zeros and prepend to left.
-- Otherwise, if they're the same, just return them.
padZero xs ys | xl > yl = (xs, clonez (xl-yl) ++ ys)
| xl < yl = (clonez (yl-xl) ++ xs, ys)
| otherwise = (xs,ys)
where xl = length xs
yl = length ys
-- `removeZero ls` strips out all leading `0` from the left-side of `ls`.
-- removeZero [0,0,0,1,0,0,2]
-- >>> [1,0,0,2]
-- removeZero [9,9]
-- >>> [9,9]
-- removeZero [0,0,0,0]
-- >>> []
removeZero :: BigInt -> BigInt
-- If we can pattern match a zero, recurse with rest of list.
removeZero (0:xs) = removeZero xs
-- Otherwise just return it.
removeZero xs = xs
-- `bigAdd n1 n2` returns the `BigInt` representing the sum of `n1` and `n2`
-- bigAdd [9, 9] [1, 0, 0, 2]
-- >>> [1, 1, 0, 1]
-- bigAdd [9, 9, 9, 9] [9, 9, 9]
-- >>> [1, 0, 9, 9, 8]
-- Takes reverse.
-- Base case, we use n as the carry bit, and so we just leave it at the
-- end.
bigAdd' [] [] n = [n]
-- For recursion, we use mod with the sum to get the digit,
-- and then we recurse with the carry bit being the integer division of
-- 10.
bigAdd' (x:xs) (y:ys) n = (myMod sum 10) : bigAdd' xs ys (div sum 10)
where sum = x+y+n
bigAdd :: BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt
-- We use bigAdd' after we zero-pad the incoming bigInts.
-- Since bigAdd' wants reversed, we reverse the lists. We finally have
-- to reverse the list at the end again.
bigAdd xs ys = removeZero $ reverseList $ bigAdd' (reverseList zxs) (reverseList zys) 0
where (zxs,zys) = padZero xs ys
-- `mulByDigit i n` returns the result of multiplying
-- the digit `i` (between 0..9) with `BigInt` `n`.
-- mulByDigit 9 [9,9,9,9]
-- >>> [8,9,9,9,1]
-- Takes reverse.
-- Base case will just return the carry digits.
digMul' [] _ n = reverseList $ toDigit n
-- For recursion, we use mod with the sum to get the digit,
-- and then we recurse with the carry-over being the integer division of
-- 10, where the sum is the digit in the list * q, then added the
-- carry-over.
digMul' (x:xs) q n = (myMod sum 10) : digMul' xs q (div sum 10)
where sum = (x*q)+n
-- Just delegate to digMul' after reversing the list.
mulByDigit :: Int -> BigInt -> BigInt
mulByDigit q xs = removeZero $ reverseList $ digMul' (reverseList xs) q 0
-- `bigMul n1 n2` returns the `BigInt` representing the
-- product of `n1` and `n2`.
-- bigMul [9,9,9,9] [9,9,9,9]
-- >>> [9,9,9,8,0,0,0,1]
-- bigMul [9,9,9,9,9] [9,9,9,9,9]
-- >>> [9,9,9,9,8,0,0,0,0,1]
-- Long multiply algorithm:
-- For each digit in ys, multiply xs by it.
-- Based on the index, shift the whole thing by the number of powers of
-- 10.
-- Then, just bigSum them all.
-- Helper function.
-- Like sumList but for bigInts.
-- So megaSum.
megaSum :: [BigInt] -> BigInt
megaSum [] = [0]
megaSum (x:xs) = bigAdd x $ megaSum xs
bigMul :: BigInt -> BigInt -> BigInt
-- Implementation: use megaSum on a list of bigInts.
-- We use zip with [0..] and ys to get tuples of the index and the
-- value.
-- Then, we can use mulByDigit to multiply xs by the digit of y, then
-- use the index to add the correct number of zeros to the end.
-- Finally the megaSum adds all of the resulting bigInts.
bigMul xs ys = megaSum [mulByDigit q xs ++ clone 0 i | (i,q) <- zip [0..] rys]
where rys = reverseList ys