
114 lines
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package IpfsUpload::Controller::Login;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use experimental q/signatures/;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller', -signatures;
use IpfsUpload::Util;
use Net::LDAPS;
sub auth($c) {
my $v = $c->validation;
return $c->render('login/login') unless $v->has_data;
$v->required('username', 'trim')->size(1,32)->like(qr/^([a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*[\$]?)$/);
return $c->render('login/login') if $v->has_error;
my $username = $c->param('username');
my $password = $c->param('password');
my $config = $c->config;
if ($config->{auth} eq 'ldap') {
my $connStr = $config->{'ldap'}->{'uri'};
my $bindDN = $config->{'ldap'}->{'dnBase'};
$bindDN =~ s/%u/$username/;
return Mojo::IOLoop->subprocess->run_p(sub {
my $ldap= Net::LDAPS->new($connStr, verify=>'none', version=>3) or die "$@";
my $mesg = $ldap->bind($bindDN, password=>$password);
$mesg->code and die $mesg->error;
})->then(sub ($res) {
return $c->users->get_or_make($username);
})->then(sub ($res) {
$c->session->{uid} = $res;
$c->flash(msg => "Logged in.");
})->catch(sub ($err) {
$c->flash(msg => "Login failed.");
} elsif ($config->{auth} eq 'db') {
# Check if whitelisted
if (not grep $_ eq $username, @{$config->{whitelist_names}}) {
$c->flash(msg => "Login failed.");
return $c->redirect_to('/login');
# Attempt to get user from username
return $c->users->get($username)->then(sub ($uid) {
# Create if not exists
if (!defined $uid) {
# Hash pass + insert and create user
my $hash = IpfsUpload::Util::add_pass($password);
return $c->users->make_with_pass($username, $hash)->then(sub ($uid_new) {
$c->session->{uid} = $uid_new;
$c->flash(msg => "Logged in.");
return $c->redirect_to('/my');
# Verify password
return $c->users->get_pass_hash($uid)->then(sub ($hash) {
if (IpfsUpload::Util::check_pass($password, $hash)) {
$c->session->{uid} = $uid;
$c->flash(msg => "Logged in.");
return $c->redirect_to('/my');
die "Login failed.";
})->catch(sub ($err) {
say $err;
$c->flash(msg => "Login failed.");
sub login($c) {
if (IpfsUpload::Util::check_auth($c)) {
return $c->redirect_to("/my");
return $c->render();
sub logout($c) {
delete $c->session->{uid};
return $c->redirect_to('/login');
sub change_password($c) {
if (!IpfsUpload::Util::check_auth($c)) {
return $c->redirect_to("/login");
if ($c->config->{auth} ne 'db') {
return $c->redirect_to('/my');
my $uid = $c->stash('uid');
my $v = $c->validation;
return $c->redirect_to('/my') if $v->has_error;
my $password = $c->param('password');
return $c->users->set_pass_hash($uid, IpfsUpload::Util::add_pass($password))->then(sub {
$c->flash(msg => "Password set.");
return $c->redirect_to('/my');