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3 Commits

1 changed files with 37 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Readonly::Hash my %MEANING_OF_HTTP_CODE => (
'404' => 'File Not Found',
'409' => 'Conflict',
'413' => 'Payload Too Large',
'500' => 'Internal Server Error',
Readonly my $ROOT_DIRECTORY => 'public';
@ -119,7 +120,27 @@ helper render_index => sub ($c) {
my $url = $c->req->url;
my $user = $c->req->env->{REMOTE_USER};
my $path = $url->path;
if ( not user_has_permission_on_path($user, 'READ', $path) ) {
$c->render(template => 'error',
status => '403',
message => 'You are not allowed to view that index!');
return 0;
if ( not -r $ROOT_DIRECTORY . $path->to_route ) {
$path = $path->to_dir;
$c->render(template => 'error',
status => '500',
message => 'Dexter cannot read that file or index!');
return 0;
if ( not -d $ROOT_DIRECTORY . $path->to_route ) {
$path = $path->to_dir;
@ -132,14 +153,6 @@ helper render_index => sub ($c) {
return 0;
if ( not user_has_permission_on_path($user, 'READ', $path) ) {
$c->render(template => 'error',
status => '403',
message => 'You are not allowed to view that index!');
return 0;
my $sort_query = $url->query->param('sort');
my $files_hash_ref = get_files_at_path_sorted_by_query($path, $sort_query);
@ -326,6 +339,7 @@ sub make_size_human_readable ($size) {
sub user_save_file_to_path ($user, $file, $path) {
my ( $code, $message ) = check_user_can_create_file($user, $path);
( $code, $message ) = check_dexter_can_edit_file($path);
return $code, $message if $code != 200;
my $path_string = $ROOT_DIRECTORY . $path->to_route;
@ -337,6 +351,7 @@ sub user_save_file_to_path ($user, $file, $path) {
sub user_mkdir_at_path ($user, $path) {
my ( $code, $message ) = check_user_can_create_file($user, $path);
( $code, $message ) = check_dexter_can_edit_file($path);
return $code, $message if $code != 200;
my $path_string = $ROOT_DIRECTORY . $path->to_route;
@ -348,6 +363,7 @@ sub user_mkdir_at_path ($user, $path) {
sub user_delete_path ($user, $path) {
my ( $code, $message ) = check_user_can_delete_file($user, $path);
( $code, $message ) = check_dexter_can_edit_file($path);
return $code, $message if $code != 200;
my $path_string = $ROOT_DIRECTORY . $path->to_route;
@ -368,9 +384,11 @@ sub user_delete_path ($user, $path) {
sub user_move_path_to_path ($user, $path, $new_path) {
my ( $code, $message ) = check_user_can_delete_file($user, $path);
( $code, $message ) = check_dexter_can_edit_file($path);
return $code, $message if $code != 200;
( $code, $message ) = check_user_can_create_file($user, $new_path);
( $code, $message ) = check_dexter_can_edit_file($new_path);
return $code, $message if $code != 200;
my $path_string = $ROOT_DIRECTORY . $path->to_route;
@ -592,6 +610,16 @@ sub check_user_can_delete_file ($user, $path) {
return 200, '';
sub check_dexter_can_edit_file ($path) {
my $path_string = $path->to_route;
if ( not -w $ROOT_DIRECTORY . $path_string ) {
return 500, "Dexter cannot edit the file at '$path_string'!";
return 200, '';
if ( module_installed('OpenBSD::Unveil') ) {