
253 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import time
import logging
import random
import traceback
import urllib.parse
import threading
import multiprocessing
import gc
import bs4
import ChromeController
# from cachetools import LRUCache
# class ChromeLRUCache(LRUCache):
# def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# self.log = logging.getLogger("Main.ChromeInterfaceCache")
# def close_chrome(self, pop_key, to_del):
# try:
# self.log.info("LRU Cache is closing chromium interface for %s", pop_key)
# to_del.close()
# except Exception:
# self.log.error("Exception in chromium teardown!")
# for line in traceback.format_exc().split("\n"):
# self.log.error(" %s", line)
# def popitem(self):
# pop_key, to_del = super().popitem()
# self.close_chrome(pop_key, to_del)
# def close_by_key(self, key):
# pop_key, to_del = self.pop(key)
# self.close_chrome(pop_key, to_del)
# def get_chromium_instance(self, cr_binary, cr_port):
# cpid = multiprocessing.current_process().name
# ctid = threading.current_thread().name
# csid = "{}-{}".format(cpid, ctid)
# if csid in self:
# self.log.info("Using existing chromium process.")
# # We probe the remote chrome to make sure it's not defunct
# try:
# self[csid].get_current_url()
# return self[csid]
# except ChromeController.ChromeControllerException:
# self.log.error("Chromium appears to be defunct. Creating new")
# self.close_by_key(csid)
# self.log.info("Creating Chromium process.")
# try:
# instance = ChromeController.ChromeRemoteDebugInterface(cr_binary, dbg_port = cr_port)
# except Exception as e:
# self.log.error("Failure creating chromium process!")
# for line in traceback.format_exc().split("\n"):
# self.log.error(" %s", line)
# # Sometimes the old process is around because
# # the GC hasn't seen it, and forcing a collection can fix that.
# # Yes, this is HORRIBLE.
# gc.collect()
# raise e
# self[csid] = instance
# return instance
# CHROME_CACHE = ChromeLRUCache(maxsize=2)
class WebGetCrMixin(object):
# creds is a list of 3-tuples that gets inserted into the password manager.
# it is structured [(top_level_url1, username1, password1), (top_level_url2, username2, password2)]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._cr_binary = "google-chrome"
def _syncIntoChromium(self, cr):
# Headers are a list of 2-tuples. We need a dict
hdict = dict(self.browserHeaders)
for cookie in self.cj:
def _syncOutOfChromium(self, cr):
for cookie in cr.get_cookies():
def getItemChromium(self, itemUrl):
self.log.info("Fetching page for URL: '%s' with Chromium" % itemUrl)
with ChromeController.ChromeContext(self._cr_binary) as cr:
response = cr.blocking_navigate_and_get_source(itemUrl, timeout=10)
raw_url = cr.get_current_url()
fileN = urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.urlparse(raw_url)[2].split("/")[-1])
fileN = bs4.UnicodeDammit(fileN).unicode_markup
# Probably a bad assumption
if response['binary']:
mType = "application/x-binary"
mType = "text/html"
# So, self._cr.page_source appears to be the *compressed* page source as-rendered. Because reasons.
content = response['content']
return content, fileN, mType
def getHeadTitleChromium(self, url, referrer=None):
self.log.info("Getting HEAD with Chromium")
if not referrer:
referrer = url
with ChromeController.ChromeContext(self._cr_binary) as cr:
time.sleep(random.uniform(2, 6))
title, cur_url = cr.get_page_url_title()
self.log.info("Resolved URL for %s -> %s", url, cur_url)
ret = {
'url': cur_url,
'title': title,
return ret
def getHeadChromium(self, url, referrer=None):
self.log.info("Getting HEAD with Chromium")
if not referrer:
referrer = url
with ChromeController.ChromeContext(self._cr_binary) as cr:
time.sleep(random.uniform(2, 6))
dummy_title, cur_url = cr.get_page_url_title()
return cur_url
def chromiumGetRenderedItem(self, url):
with ChromeController.ChromeContext(self._cr_binary) as cr:
# get_rendered_page_source
content = cr.get_rendered_page_source()
mType = 'text/html'
fileN = ''
return content, fileN, mType
def __del__(self):
# print("ChromiumMixin destructor")
sup = super()
if hasattr(sup, '__del__'):
# def stepThroughCloudFlare_cr(self, url, titleContains='', titleNotContains=''):
# '''
# Use Selenium+Chromium to access a resource behind cloudflare protection.
# Params:
# ``url`` - The URL to access that is protected by cloudflare
# ``titleContains`` - A string that is in the title of the protected page, and NOT the
# cloudflare intermediate page. The presence of this string in the page title
# is used to determine whether the cloudflare protection has been successfully
# penetrated.
# The current WebGetRobust headers are installed into the selenium browser, which
# is then used to access the protected resource.
# Once the protected page has properly loaded, the cloudflare access cookie is
# then extracted from the selenium browser, and installed back into the WebGetRobust
# instance, so it can continue to use the cloudflare auth in normal requests.
# '''
# if (not titleContains) and (not titleNotContains):
# raise ValueError("You must pass either a string the title should contain, or a string the title shouldn't contain!")
# if titleContains and titleNotContains:
# raise ValueError("You can only pass a single conditional statement!")
# self.log.info("Attempting to access page through cloudflare browser verification.")
# dcap = dict(DesiredCapabilities.Chromium)
# wgSettings = dict(self.browserHeaders)
# # Install the headers from the WebGet class into Chromium
# dcap["Chromium.page.settings.userAgent"] = wgSettings.pop('User-Agent')
# for headerName in wgSettings:
# dcap['Chromium.page.customHeaders.{header}'.format(header=headerName)] = wgSettings[headerName]
# driver = selenium.webdriver.Chromium(desired_capabilities=dcap)
# driver.set_window_size(1024, 768)
# driver.get(url)
# if titleContains:
# condition = EC.title_contains(titleContains)
# elif titleNotContains:
# condition = title_not_contains(titleNotContains)
# else:
# raise ValueError("Wat?")
# try:
# WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(condition)
# success = True
# self.log.info("Successfully accessed main page!")
# except TimeoutException:
# self.log.error("Could not pass through cloudflare blocking!")
# success = False
# # Add cookies to cookiejar
# for cookie in driver.get_cookies():
# self.addSeleniumCookie(cookie)
# #print cookie[u"value"]
# self.__syncCookiesFromFile()
# return success