
601 lines
17 KiB

#include "path_info.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include "enums.h"
#include "filesystem.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "make_static.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "rng.h"
#include "system_locale.h"
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
* Return a locale specific path, or if there is no path for the current
* locale, return the default path.
* @param path The local path is based on that value.
* @param extension File name extension, is automatically added to the path
* of the translated file. Can be empty, but must otherwise include the
* initial '.', e.g. ".json"
* @param fallback The path of the fallback filename.
* It is used if no translated file can be found.
static std::string find_translated_file( const std::string &path, const std::string &extension,
const std::string &fallback );
static cata_path find_translated_file( const cata_path &base_path, const std::string &extension,
const cata_path &fallback );
static std::string motd_value;
static std::string gfxdir_value;
static std::string config_dir_value;
static std::string user_dir_value;
static std::string datadir_value;
static std::string base_path_value;
static std::string savedir_value;
static std::string autopickup_value;
static std::string autonote_value;
static std::string keymap_value;
static std::string options_value;
static std::string memorialdir_value;
static std::string langdir_value;
static cata_path autonote_path_value;
static cata_path autopickup_path_value;
static cata_path base_path_path_value;
static cata_path config_dir_path_value;
static cata_path datadir_path_value;
static cata_path gfxdir_path_value;
static cata_path keymap_path_value;
static cata_path langdir_path_value;
static cata_path memorialdir_path_value;
static cata_path motd_path_value;
static cata_path options_path_value;
static cata_path savedir_path_value;
static cata_path user_dir_path_value;
void PATH_INFO::init_base_path( std::string path )
if( !path.empty() ) {
const char ch = path.back();
if( ch != '/' && ch != '\\' ) {
path.push_back( '/' );
base_path_value = path;
base_path_path_value = cata_path{ cata_path::root_path::base, fs::path{} };
void PATH_INFO::init_user_dir( std::string dir )
if( dir.empty() ) {
const char *user_dir;
#if defined(_WIN32)
user_dir = getenv( "LOCALAPPDATA" );
// On Windows userdir without dot
dir = std::string( user_dir ) + "/cataclysm-dda/";
#elif defined(MACOSX)
user_dir = getenv( "HOME" );
dir = std::string( user_dir ) + "/Library/Application Support/Cataclysm/";
#elif defined(USE_XDG_DIR)
if( ( user_dir = getenv( "XDG_DATA_HOME" ) ) ) {
dir = std::string( user_dir ) + "/cataclysm-dda/";
} else {
user_dir = getenv( "HOME" );
dir = std::string( user_dir ) + "/.local/share/cataclysm-dda/";
user_dir = getenv( "HOME" );
dir = std::string( user_dir ) + "/.cataclysm-dda/";
user_dir_value = dir;
user_dir_path_value = cata_path{ cata_path::root_path::user, fs::path{} };
void PATH_INFO::set_standard_filenames()
// Special: data_dir and gfx_dir
std::string prefix;
cata_path prefix_path;
// Data is always relative to itself. Also, the base path might not be writeable.
datadir_path_value = cata_path{ cata_path::root_path::data, fs::path{} };
if( !base_path_value.empty() ) {
#if defined(DATA_DIR_PREFIX)
datadir_value = base_path_value + "share/cataclysm-dda/";
prefix = datadir_value;
prefix_path = datadir_path_value;
datadir_value = base_path_value + "data/";
prefix = base_path_value;
prefix_path = base_path_path_value;
} else {
datadir_value = "data/";
// Base path is empty here but everything else is still relative to base, which is empty.
prefix_path = base_path_path_value;
gfxdir_value = prefix + "gfx/";
gfxdir_path_value = prefix_path / "gfx";
langdir_value = prefix + "lang/mo/";
langdir_path_value = prefix_path / "lang" / "mo";
// Shared dirs
// Shared files
motd_value = datadir_value + "motd/" + "en.motd";
savedir_value = user_dir_value + "save/";
// Special: savedir is always relative to itself even if in the user dir location.
savedir_path_value = cata_path{ cata_path::root_path::save, fs::path{} };
memorialdir_value = user_dir_value + "memorial/";
memorialdir_path_value = user_dir_path_value / "memorial";
#if defined(USE_XDG_DIR)
const char *user_dir;
std::string dir;
if( ( user_dir = getenv( "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ) ) ) {
dir = std::string( user_dir ) + "/cataclysm-dda/";
} else {
user_dir = getenv( "HOME" );
dir = std::string( user_dir ) + "/.config/cataclysm-dda/";
config_dir_value = dir;
config_dir_path_value = cata_path{ cata_path::root_path::config, fs::path{} };
config_dir_value = user_dir_value + "config/";
config_dir_path_value = user_dir_path_value / "config";
options_value = config_dir_value + "options.json";
options_path_value = config_dir_path_value / "options.json";
keymap_value = config_dir_value + "keymap.txt";
autopickup_value = config_dir_value + "auto_pickup.json";
autopickup_path_value = config_dir_path_value / "auto_pickup.json";
autonote_value = config_dir_value + "auto_note.json";
autonote_path_value = config_dir_path_value / "auto_note.json";
std::string find_translated_file( const std::string &base_path, const std::string &extension,
const std::string &fallback )
#if defined(LOCALIZE) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
const std::string language_option = get_option<std::string>( "USE_LANG" );
const std::string loc_name = language_option.empty() ? SystemLocale::Language().value_or( "" ) :
if( !loc_name.empty() ) {
std::string local_path = base_path + loc_name + extension;
if( file_exist( local_path ) ) {
return local_path;
( void ) base_path;
( void ) extension;
return fallback;
cata_path find_translated_file( const cata_path &base_path, const std::string &extension,
const cata_path &fallback )
#if defined(LOCALIZE) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
const std::string language_option = get_option<std::string>( "USE_LANG" );
const std::string loc_name = language_option.empty() ? SystemLocale::Language().value_or( "" ) :
if( !loc_name.empty() ) {
cata_path local_path = base_path / ( loc_name + extension );
if( file_exist( local_path ) ) {
return local_path;
( void )base_path;
( void )extension;
return fallback;
cata_path PATH_INFO::autopickup()
return autopickup_path_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::autonote()
return autonote_path_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::base_colors()
return config_dir_path_value / "base_colors.json";
std::string PATH_INFO::base_path()
return base_path_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::base_path_path()
return base_path_path_value;
std::string PATH_INFO::cache_dir()
return datadir_value + "cache/";
cata_path PATH_INFO::colors()
return datadir_path_value / "raw" / "colors.json";
cata_path PATH_INFO::color_templates()
return datadir_path_value / "raw" / "color_templates";
cata_path PATH_INFO::color_themes()
return datadir_path_value / "raw" / "color_themes";
std::string PATH_INFO::config_dir()
return config_dir_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::config_dir_path()
return config_dir_path_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::custom_colors()
return config_dir_path_value / "custom_colors.json";
std::string PATH_INFO::datadir()
return datadir_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::datadir_path()
return datadir_path_value;
std::string PATH_INFO::debug()
return config_dir_value + "debug.log";
cata_path PATH_INFO::defaultsounddir()
return datadir_path_value / "sound";
std::string PATH_INFO::defaulttilejson()
return "tile_config.json";
std::string PATH_INFO::defaultlayeringjson()
return "layering.json";
std::string PATH_INFO::defaulttilepng()
return "tinytile.png";
cata_path PATH_INFO::fontdata()
return config_dir_path_value / "fonts.json";
std::string PATH_INFO::fontdir()
return datadir_value + "font/";
std::string PATH_INFO::user_font()
return user_dir_value + "font/";
std::string PATH_INFO::graveyarddir()
return user_dir_value + "graveyard/";
cata_path PATH_INFO::help()
return datadir_path_value / "help" / "texts.json";
cata_path PATH_INFO::keybindings()
return datadir_path_value / "raw" / "keybindings.json";
cata_path PATH_INFO::keybindings_vehicle()
return datadir_path_value / "raw" / "keybindings" / "vehicle.json";
std::string PATH_INFO::keymap()
return keymap_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::lastworld()
return config_dir_path_value / "lastworld.json";
cata_path PATH_INFO::legacy_fontdata()
return datadir_path_value / "fontdata.json";
std::string PATH_INFO::memorialdir()
return memorialdir_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::memorialdir_path()
return memorialdir_path_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::jsondir()
return datadir_path_value / "core";
cata_path PATH_INFO::moddir()
return datadir_path_value / "mods";
cata_path PATH_INFO::options()
return options_path_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::panel_options()
return config_dir_path_value / "panel_options.json";
cata_path PATH_INFO::safemode()
return config_dir_path_value / "safemode.json";
std::string PATH_INFO::savedir()
return savedir_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::savedir_path()
return savedir_path_value;
std::string PATH_INFO::sokoban()
return datadir_value + "raw/" + "sokoban.txt";
std::string PATH_INFO::templatedir()
return user_dir_value + "templates/";
cata_path PATH_INFO::templatedir_path()
return user_dir_path_value / "templates";
std::string PATH_INFO::user_dir()
return user_dir_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::user_dir_path()
return user_dir_path_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::user_gfx()
return user_dir_path_value / "gfx";
cata_path PATH_INFO::user_keybindings()
return config_dir_path_value / "keybindings.json";
std::string PATH_INFO::user_moddir()
return user_dir_value + "mods/";
cata_path PATH_INFO::user_moddir_path()
return user_dir_path_value / "mods";
cata_path PATH_INFO::user_sound()
return user_dir_path_value / "sound";
std::string PATH_INFO::worldoptions()
return "worldoptions.json";
std::string PATH_INFO::crash()
return config_dir_value + "crash.log";
std::string PATH_INFO::tileset_conf()
return "tileset.txt";
cata_path PATH_INFO::mods_replacements()
return datadir_path_value / "mods" / "replacements.json";
cata_path PATH_INFO::mods_dev_default()
return datadir_path_value / "mods" / "default.json";
cata_path PATH_INFO::mods_user_default()
return config_dir_path_value / "user-default-mods.json";
std::string PATH_INFO::soundpack_conf()
return "soundpack.txt";
cata_path PATH_INFO::gfxdir()
return gfxdir_path_value;
std::string PATH_INFO::langdir()
return langdir_value;
cata_path PATH_INFO::langdir_path()
return langdir_path_value;
std::string PATH_INFO::lang_file()
return "";
cata_path PATH_INFO::data_sound()
return datadir_path_value / "sound";
std::string PATH_INFO::credits()
return find_translated_file( datadir_value + "credits/", ".credits",
datadir_value + "credits/" + "en.credits" );
std::string PATH_INFO::motd()
return find_translated_file( datadir_value + "motd/", ".motd", motd_value );
std::string PATH_INFO::title( const holiday current_holiday )
std::string theme_basepath = datadir_value + "title/";
std::string theme_extension = ".title";
std::string theme_fallback = theme_basepath + "en.title";
if( !get_option<bool>( "ENABLE_ASCII_TITLE" ) ) {
return _( "Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead" );
if( x_in_y( get_option<int>( "ALT_TITLE" ), 100 ) ) {
theme_extension = ".alt1";
theme_fallback = datadir_value + "title/" + "en.alt1";
if( !get_option<bool>( "SEASONAL_TITLE" ) ) {
return find_translated_file( theme_basepath, theme_extension, theme_fallback );
switch( current_holiday ) {
case holiday::new_year:
theme_extension = ".new_year";
theme_fallback = datadir_value + "title/" + "en.new_year";
case holiday::easter:
theme_extension = ".easter";
theme_fallback = datadir_value + "title/" + "en.easter";
case holiday::independence_day:
theme_extension = ".independence_day";
theme_fallback = datadir_value + "title/" + "en.independence_day";
case holiday::halloween:
theme_extension = ".halloween";
theme_fallback = datadir_value + "title/" + "en.halloween";
case holiday::thanksgiving:
theme_extension = ".thanksgiving";
theme_fallback = datadir_value + "title/" + "en.thanksgiving";
case holiday::christmas:
theme_extension = ".christmas";
theme_fallback = datadir_value + "title/" + "";
case holiday::none:
case holiday::num_holiday:
return find_translated_file( theme_basepath, theme_extension, theme_fallback );
cata_path PATH_INFO::names()
return find_translated_file( datadir_path_value / "names", ".json",
datadir_path_value / "names" / "en.json" );
void PATH_INFO::set_datadir( const std::string &datadir )
datadir_value = datadir;
datadir_path_value = cata_path{ cata_path::root_path::data, fs::path{} };
// Shared dirs
gfxdir_value = datadir_value + "gfx/";
gfxdir_path_value = datadir_path_value / "gfx";
// Shared files
motd_value = datadir_value + "motd/" + "en.motd";
motd_path_value = datadir_path_value / "motd" / "en.motd";
void PATH_INFO::set_config_dir( const std::string &config_dir )
config_dir_value = config_dir;
config_dir_path_value = cata_path{ cata_path::root_path::config, fs::path{} };
options_value = config_dir_value + "options.json";
options_path_value = config_dir_path_value / "options.json";
keymap_value = config_dir_value + "keymap.txt";
keymap_path_value = config_dir_path_value / "keymap.txt";
autopickup_value = config_dir_value + "auto_pickup.json";
autopickup_path_value = config_dir_path_value / "auto_pickup.json";
void PATH_INFO::set_savedir( const std::string &savedir )
savedir_value = savedir;
savedir_path_value = cata_path{ cata_path::root_path::save, fs::path{} };
void PATH_INFO::set_memorialdir( const std::string &memorialdir )
memorialdir_value = memorialdir;
memorialdir_path_value = cata_path{ cata_path::root_path::memorial, fs::path{} };
void PATH_INFO::set_options( const std::string &options )
options_value = options;
options_path_value = cata_path{cata_path::root_path::unknown, options_value};
void PATH_INFO::set_keymap( const std::string &keymap )
keymap_value = keymap;
void PATH_INFO::set_autopickup( const std::string &autopickup )
autopickup_value = autopickup;
autopickup_path_value = cata_path{ cata_path::root_path::unknown, autopickup_value };
void PATH_INFO::set_motd( const std::string &motd )
motd_value = motd;
fs::path cata_path::get_logical_root_path() const
const std::string &path_value = ( []( cata_path::root_path root ) -> const std::string& {
switch( root )
case cata_path::root_path::base:
return base_path_value;
case cata_path::root_path::config:
return config_dir_value;
case cata_path::root_path::data:
return datadir_value;
case cata_path::root_path::memorial:
return memorialdir_value;
case cata_path::root_path::save:
return savedir_value;
case cata_path::root_path::user:
return user_dir_value;
case cata_path::root_path::unknown:
default: {
return STATIC( std::string() );
} )( logical_root_ );
return fs::path{ path_value };