
298 lines
11 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "color.h"
#include "cursesdef.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "inventory.h"
#include "item_location.h"
#include "memory_fast.h"
#include "optional.h"
#include "player_activity.h"
#include "point.h"
#include "type_id.h"
#include "units_fwd.h"
class Character;
class vpart_info;
struct requirement_data;
/** Represents possible return values from the cant_do function. */
enum class task_reason : int {
UNKNOWN_TASK = -1, //No such task
CAN_DO, //Task can be done
INVALID_TARGET, //No valid target i.e. can't "change tire" if no tire present
LACK_TOOLS, //Player doesn't have all the tools they need
NOT_FREE, //Part is attached to something else and can't be unmounted
LACK_SKILL, //Player doesn't have high enough mechanics skill
MOVING_VEHICLE, // vehicle is moving, no modifications allowed
LOW_MORALE, // Player has too low morale (for operations that require it)
LOW_LIGHT // Player cannot see enough to work (for operations that require it)
class ui_adaptor;
class vehicle;
struct vehicle_part;
// For marking 'leaking' tanks/reactors/batteries
const std::string leak_marker = "<color_red>*</color>";
class veh_interact
using part_selector = std::function<bool( const vehicle_part &pt )>;
static player_activity run( vehicle &veh, const point &p );
/** Prompt for a part matching the selector function */
static vehicle_part &select_part( const vehicle &veh, const part_selector &sel,
const std::string &title = std::string() );
static void complete_vehicle( Character &you );
explicit veh_interact( vehicle &veh, const point &p = point_zero );
item_location target;
point dd = point_zero;
/* starting offset for vehicle parts description display and max offset for scrolling */
int start_at = 0;
int start_limit = 0;
/* starting offset for the overview and the max offset for scrolling */
int overview_offset = 0;
int overview_limit = 0;
// starting offset for installation scrolling
int w_msg_scroll_offset = 0;
const vpart_info *sel_vpart_info = nullptr;
std::string sel_vpart_variant;
//Command currently being run by the player
char sel_cmd = ' ';
const vehicle_part *sel_vehicle_part = nullptr;
int cpart = -1;
int page_size = 0;
int fuel_index = 0; /** Starting index of where to start printing fuels from */
// height of the stats window
const int stats_h = 8;
catacurses::window w_border;
catacurses::window w_mode;
catacurses::window w_msg;
catacurses::window w_disp;
catacurses::window w_parts;
catacurses::window w_stats;
catacurses::window w_list;
catacurses::window w_details;
catacurses::window w_name;
bool ui_hidden = false;
weak_ptr_fast<ui_adaptor> ui;
cata::optional<std::string> title;
cata::optional<std::string> msg;
int highlight_part = -1;
struct install_info_t;
std::unique_ptr<install_info_t> install_info;
struct remove_info_t;
std::unique_ptr<remove_info_t> remove_info;
vehicle *veh;
inventory crafting_inv;
input_context main_context;
// maximum weight capacity of available lifting equipment (if any)
units::mass max_lift;
// maximum weight_capacity of available jacking equipment (if any)
units::mass max_jack;
shared_ptr_fast<ui_adaptor> create_or_get_ui_adaptor();
void hide_ui( bool hide );
player_activity serialize_activity();
/** Format list of requirements returning true if all are met */
bool format_reqs( std::string &msg, const requirement_data &reqs,
const std::map<skill_id, int> &skills, int moves ) const;
int part_at( const point &d );
void move_cursor( const point &d, int dstart_at = 0 );
task_reason cant_do( char mode );
bool can_potentially_install( const vpart_info &vpart );
/** Move index (parameter pos) according to input action:
* (up or down, single step or whole page).
* @param pos index to change.
* @param action input action (taken from input_context::handle_input)
* @param size size of the list to scroll, used to wrap the cursor around.
* @param header number of lines reserved for list header.
* @return false if the action is not a move action, the index is not changed in this case.
bool move_in_list( int &pos, const std::string &action, int size,
int header = 0 ) const;
void move_fuel_cursor( int delta );
* @name Task handlers
* One function for each specific task
* @warning presently functions may mutate local state
* @param msg failure message to display (if any)
void do_install();
void do_repair();
void do_mend();
void do_refill();
void do_remove();
void do_rename();
void do_siphon();
// Returns true if exiting the screen
bool do_unload();
void do_change_shape();
void do_assign_crew();
void do_relabel();
* Calculates the lift requirements for a given vehicle_part
* @return bool true if lift requirements are fulfilled
* @return string msg for the ui to show the lift requirements
std::pair<bool, std::string> calc_lift_requirements( const vpart_info &sel_vpart_info );
void display_grid();
void display_veh();
void display_stats() const;
void display_name();
void display_mode();
void display_list( size_t pos, const std::vector<const vpart_info *> &list, int header = 0 );
void display_details( const vpart_info *part );
struct part_option {
part_option( const std::string &key, vehicle_part *part, bool selectable, const input_event &hotkey,
std::function<void( const vehicle_part &pt, const catacurses::window &w, int y )> details ) :
key( key ), part( part ), selectable( selectable ), hotkey( hotkey ),
details( std::move( details ) ) {}
part_option( const std::string &key, vehicle_part *part, bool selectable, const input_event &hotkey,
std::function<void( const vehicle_part &pt, const catacurses::window &w, int y )> details,
std::function<void( const vehicle_part &pt )> message ) :
key( key ), part( part ), selectable( selectable ), hotkey( hotkey ),
details( std::move( details ) ),
message( std::move( message ) ) {}
std::string key;
vehicle_part *part;
/** Can the part be selected and used */
bool selectable;
/** Can @param action be run for this entry? */
input_event hotkey;
/** Writes any extra details for this entry */
std::function<void( const vehicle_part &pt, const catacurses::window &w, int y )> details;
/** Writes to message window when part is selected */
std::function<void( const vehicle_part &pt )> message;
std::vector<part_option> overview_opts;
std::map<std::string, std::function<void( const catacurses::window &, int )>> overview_headers;
using overview_enable_t = std::function<bool( const vehicle_part &pt )>;
using overview_action_t = std::function<void( vehicle_part &pt )>;
overview_enable_t overview_enable;
overview_action_t overview_action;
int overview_pos = -1;
void calc_overview();
void display_overview();
* Display overview of parts, optionally with interactive selection of one part
* @param enable used to determine parts of interest. If \p action also present, these
parts are the ones that can be selected. Otherwise, these are the parts
that will be highlighted
* @param action callback when part is selected.
void overview( const overview_enable_t &enable = {},
const overview_action_t &action = {} );
void move_overview_line( int );
void count_durability();
std::string total_durability_text;
nc_color total_durability_color;
/** Returns the most damaged part's index, or -1 if they're all healthy. */
vehicle_part *get_most_damaged_part() const;
/** Returns the index of the part that needs repair the most.
* This may not be mostDamagedPart since not all parts can be repaired
* If there are no damaged parts this returns -1 */
vehicle_part *get_most_repairable_part() const;
//do_remove supporting operation, writes requirements to ui
bool can_remove_part( int idx, const Character &you );
//do install support, writes requirements to ui
bool update_part_requirements();
//true if trying to install foot crank with electric engines for example
//writes failure to ui
bool is_drive_conflict();
/* Vector of all vpart TYPES that can be mounted in the current square.
* Can be converted to a vector<vpart_info>.
* Updated whenever the cursor moves. */
std::vector<const vpart_info *> can_mount;
/* Maps part names to vparts representing different shapes of a part.
* Used to slim down installable parts list. Only built once. */
std::map< std::string, std::vector<const vpart_info *> > vpart_shapes;
/* Vector of all wheel types. Used for changing wheels, so it only needs
* to be built once. */
std::vector<const vpart_info *> wheel_types;
/* Vector of vparts in the current square that can be repaired. Strictly a
* subset of parts_here.
* Can probably be removed entirely, otherwise is a vector<vehicle_part>.
* Updated whenever parts_here is updated.
std::vector<int> need_repair;
/* Vector of all vparts that exist on the vehicle in the current square.
* Can be converted to a vector<vehicle_part>.
* Updated whenever the cursor moves. */
std::vector<int> parts_here;
/* called by exec() */
void cache_tool_availability();
void allocate_windows();
void do_main_loop();
void cache_tool_availability_update_lifting( const tripoint &world_cursor_pos );
/** Returns true if the vehicle has a jack powerful enough to lift itself installed */
bool can_self_jack();
void act_vehicle_siphon( vehicle *veh );