
414 lines
16 KiB

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "cata_catch.h"
#include "cata_utility.h"
#include "coordinates.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "item.h"
#include "map_helpers.h"
#include "mongroup.h"
#include "mtype.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "options_helpers.h"
#include "player_helpers.h"
static const mongroup_id GROUP_PETS( "GROUP_PETS" );
static const mongroup_id GROUP_PET_DOGS( "GROUP_PET_DOGS" );
static const mtype_id mon_null( "mon_null" );
static const mtype_id mon_test_CBM( "mon_test_CBM" );
static const mtype_id mon_test_bovine( "mon_test_bovine" );
static const mtype_id mon_test_non_shearable( "mon_test_non_shearable" );
static const mtype_id mon_test_shearable( "mon_test_shearable" );
static const mtype_id mon_test_speed_desc_base( "mon_test_speed_desc_base" );
static const mtype_id mon_test_speed_desc_base_immobile( "mon_test_speed_desc_base_immobile" );
static const mtype_id mon_test_zombie_cop( "mon_test_zombie_cop" );
static const int max_iters = 10000;
static void spawn_x_monsters( int x, const mongroup_id &grp, const std::vector<mtype_id> &yesspawn,
const std::vector<mtype_id> &nospawn )
std::set<mtype_id> rand_gets;
std::set<mtype_id> rand_results;
calendar::turn = time_point( 1 );
for( int i = 0; i < x; i++ ) {
mtype_id tmp_get = MonsterGroupManager::GetRandomMonsterFromGroup( grp );
if( !tmp_get.is_null() ) {
rand_gets.emplace( tmp_get );
mtype_id tmp_res = MonsterGroupManager::GetResultFromGroup( grp ).front().name;
if( !tmp_res.is_null() ) {
rand_results.emplace( tmp_res );
if( nospawn.empty() ) {
CHECK( !rand_gets.empty() );
CHECK( !rand_results.empty() );
if( yesspawn.empty() ) {
CHECK( rand_gets.empty() );
CHECK( rand_results.empty() );
for( const mtype_id &m : nospawn ) {
CHECK( rand_gets.find( m ) == rand_gets.end() );
CHECK( rand_results.find( m ) == rand_results.end() );
for( const mtype_id &m : yesspawn ) {
CHECK( rand_gets.find( m ) != rand_gets.end() );
CHECK( rand_results.find( m ) != rand_results.end() );
TEST_CASE( "Event-based monster spawns do not spawn outside event", "[monster][mongroup]" )
override_option ev_spawn_opt( "EVENT_SPAWNS", "monsters" );
REQUIRE( get_option<std::string>( "EVENT_SPAWNS" ) == "monsters" );
GIVEN( "a monster group with entries from different events" ) {
mongroup_id test_group( "test_event_mongroup" );
REQUIRE( test_group->monsters.size() == 6 );
WHEN( "current holiday == none" ) {
holiday cur_event = get_holiday_from_time( 1614574800L, true );
REQUIRE( cur_event == holiday::none );
THEN( "only spawn non-event monsters" ) {
std::vector<mtype_id> mons = MonsterGroupManager::GetMonstersFromGroup( test_group, true );
CHECK( mons.size() == 1 );
CHECK( mons[0] == mon_test_speed_desc_base_immobile );
const std::vector<mtype_id> ylist = { mon_test_speed_desc_base_immobile };
const std::vector<mtype_id> nlist = { mon_test_speed_desc_base, mon_test_shearable, mon_test_non_shearable, mon_test_bovine, mon_test_CBM };
spawn_x_monsters( max_iters, test_group, ylist, nlist );
WHEN( "current holiday == christmas" ) {
holiday cur_event = get_holiday_from_time( 1640408400L, true );
REQUIRE( cur_event == holiday::christmas );
THEN( "only spawn christmas and non-event monsters" ) {
std::vector<mtype_id> mons = MonsterGroupManager::GetMonstersFromGroup( test_group, true );
CHECK( mons.size() == 4 );
const std::vector<mtype_id> ylist = { mon_test_speed_desc_base_immobile, mon_test_non_shearable, mon_test_shearable, mon_test_bovine };
const std::vector<mtype_id> nlist = { mon_test_speed_desc_base, mon_test_CBM };
spawn_x_monsters( max_iters, test_group, ylist, nlist );
WHEN( "current holiday == halloween" ) {
holiday cur_event = get_holiday_from_time( 1635652800L, true );
REQUIRE( cur_event == holiday::halloween );
THEN( "only spawn halloween and non-event monsters" ) {
std::vector<mtype_id> mons = MonsterGroupManager::GetMonstersFromGroup( test_group, true );
CHECK( mons.size() == 3 );
const std::vector<mtype_id> ylist = { mon_test_speed_desc_base_immobile, mon_test_CBM, mon_test_speed_desc_base };
const std::vector<mtype_id> nlist = { mon_test_shearable, mon_test_non_shearable, mon_test_bovine };
spawn_x_monsters( max_iters, test_group, ylist, nlist );
TEST_CASE( "Event-based monsters from an event-only mongroup", "[monster][mongroup]" )
override_option ev_spawn_opt( "EVENT_SPAWNS", "monsters" );
REQUIRE( get_option<std::string>( "EVENT_SPAWNS" ) == "monsters" );
GIVEN( "a monster group with entries from a single event" ) {
mongroup_id test_group( "test_event_only" );
REQUIRE( test_group->monsters.size() == 3 );
WHEN( "current holiday == none" ) {
holiday cur_event = get_holiday_from_time( 1614574800L, true );
REQUIRE( cur_event == holiday::none );
THEN( "don't spawn any monsters" ) {
std::vector<mtype_id> mons = MonsterGroupManager::GetMonstersFromGroup( test_group, true );
CHECK( mons.empty() );
const std::vector<mtype_id> ylist = {};
const std::vector<mtype_id> nlist = { mon_test_non_shearable, mon_test_shearable, mon_test_bovine };
spawn_x_monsters( max_iters, test_group, ylist, nlist );
WHEN( "current holiday == christmas" ) {
holiday cur_event = get_holiday_from_time( 1640408400L, true );
REQUIRE( cur_event == holiday::christmas );
THEN( "spawn all monsters" ) {
std::vector<mtype_id> mons = MonsterGroupManager::GetMonstersFromGroup( test_group, true );
CHECK( mons.size() == 3 );
const std::vector<mtype_id> ylist = { mon_test_non_shearable, mon_test_shearable, mon_test_bovine };
const std::vector<mtype_id> nlist = {};
spawn_x_monsters( max_iters, test_group, ylist, nlist );
TEST_CASE( "Using mon_null as mongroup default monster", "[mongroup]" )
mongroup_id test_group1( "test_default_monster" );
mongroup_id test_group2( "test_group_default_monster" );
mongroup_id test_group3( "test_event_only" );
mongroup_id test_group4( "test_event_mongroup" );
CHECK( test_group1->defaultMonster == mon_null );
CHECK( test_group2->defaultMonster == mon_null );
CHECK( test_group3->defaultMonster == mon_null );
CHECK( test_group4->defaultMonster != mon_null );
TEST_CASE( "Nested monster groups spawn chance", "[mongroup]" )
mongroup_id mg( "test_top_level_mongroup" );
const int iters = 10000;
// < result, < layer, expected prob, count > >
std::map<mtype_id, std::tuple<int, float, int>> results {
// top layer - 33.3%
{ mon_test_CBM, { 0, 1.f / 3.f, 0 } },
{ mon_test_bovine, { 0, 1.f / 3.f, 0 } },
// nested layer 1 - 15.9% (47.6%)
{ mon_test_shearable, { 1, ( 1.f / 3.f ) *( 50.f / 105.f ), 0 } },
{ mon_test_non_shearable, { 1, ( 1.f / 3.f ) *( 50.f / 105.f ), 0 } },
// nested layer 2 - 0.8% (2.4% (50%))
{ mon_test_speed_desc_base, { 2, ( ( 1.f / 3.f ) * ( 5.f / 105.f ) ) * 0.5f, 0 } },
{ mon_test_speed_desc_base_immobile, { 2, ( ( 1.f / 3.f ) * ( 5.f / 105.f ) ) * 0.5f, 0 } }
// < layer, < expected prob, count > >
std::map<int, std::pair<float, int>> layers {
// top layer - 66.7%
{ 0, { 2.f / 3.f, 0 } },
// nested layer 1 - 31.7% (95.2%)
{ 1, { ( 1.f / 3.f ) *( 100.f / 105.f ), 0 } },
// nested layer 2 - 1.6% (4.8% (100%))
{ 2, { ( 1.f / 3.f ) *( 5.f / 105.f ), 0 } }
calendar::turn += 1_turns;
for( int i = 0; i < iters; i++ ) {
MonsterGroupResult res = MonsterGroupManager::GetResultFromGroup( mg ).front();
auto iter = results.find( );
REQUIRE( iter != results.end() );
if( iter != results.end() ) {
layers[std::get<0>( iter->second )].second++;
std::get<2>( results[] )++;
for( const auto &lyr : layers ) {
INFO( string_format( "layer %d - expected vs. actual", lyr.first ) );
CHECK( lyr.second.first ==
Approx( static_cast<float>( lyr.second.second ) / iters ).epsilon( 0.5 ) );
for( const auto &res : results ) {
INFO( string_format( "monster %s - expected vs. actual", res.first.c_str() ) );
CHECK( std::get<1>( res.second ) ==
Approx( static_cast<float>( std::get<2>( res.second ) ) / iters ).epsilon( 0.5 ) );
TEST_CASE( "Nested monster group pack size", "[mongroup]" )
const int iters = 100;
calendar::turn += 1_turns;
SECTION( "Nested group pack size used as-is" ) {
mongroup_id mg( "test_top_level_no_packsize" );
for( int i = 0; i < iters; i++ ) {
bool found = false;
std::vector<MonsterGroupResult> res =
MonsterGroupManager::GetResultFromGroup( mg, nullptr, &found );
REQUIRE( found );
// pack_size == [2, 4] * 1
CHECK( res.size() == 1 );
int total = 0;
for( const MonsterGroupResult &mgr : res ) {
total += mgr.pack_size;
CHECK( total == Approx( 3 ).margin( 1 ) );
SECTION( "Nested group pack size multiplied by top level pack size" ) {
mongroup_id mg( "test_top_level_packsize" );
for( int i = 0; i < iters; i++ ) {
bool found = false;
std::vector<MonsterGroupResult> res =
MonsterGroupManager::GetResultFromGroup( mg, nullptr, &found );
REQUIRE( found );
// pack_size == [2, 4] * [4, 6]
CHECK( res.size() == Approx( 5 ).margin( 1 ) );
int total = 0;
for( const MonsterGroupResult &mgr : res ) {
total += mgr.pack_size;
CHECK( total == Approx( 16 ).margin( 8 ) );
TEST_CASE( "mongroup_sets_quantity_correctly", "[mongroup]" )
CAPTURE( mg );
int quantity = 10;
bool found = false;
std::vector<MonsterGroupResult> res =
MonsterGroupManager::GetResultFromGroup( mg, &quantity, &found );
CHECK( found );
CHECK( 10 - quantity == static_cast<int>( res.size() ) );
static void test_multi_spawn( const mtype_id &old_mon, int range, int min, int max,
const time_point &start, const std::set<mtype_id> &new_mons,
std::map<mtype_id, int> &new_count )
const int upgrade_attempts = 100;
for( int i = 0; i < upgrade_attempts; i++ ) {
map &m = get_map();
calendar::turn = start;
const tripoint ground_zero = get_player_character().pos() - tripoint( 5, 5, 0 );
monster *orig = g->place_critter_at( old_mon, ground_zero );
REQUIRE( orig );
REQUIRE( orig->type->id == old_mon );
REQUIRE( orig->pos() == ground_zero );
REQUIRE( orig->can_upgrade() );
// monster::next_upgrade_time has a ~3% chance to outright fail
// so keep trying until we succeed
orig->try_upgrade( false );
if( orig->type->id == old_mon ) {
REQUIRE( new_mons.count( orig->type->id ) > 0 );
int total_spawns = 0;
for( const Creature *c : m.get_creatures_in_radius( ground_zero, 10 ) ) {
if( !c->is_monster() || new_mons.count( c->as_monster()->type->id ) == 0 ) {
CHECK( std::abs( c->pos().x - ground_zero.x ) <= range );
CHECK( std::abs( c->pos().y - ground_zero.y ) <= range );
if( new_count.count( c->as_monster()->type->id ) == 0 ) {
new_count[c->as_monster()->type->id] = 0;
CHECK( total_spawns == Approx( ( max + min ) / 2 ).margin( ( max - min ) / 2 ) );
TEST_CASE( "mongroup_multi_spawn_upgrades", "[mongroup]" )
std::map<mtype_id, int> counts;
test_multi_spawn( mon_test_non_shearable, 5, 4, 6,
calendar::turn_zero + 1_days, { mon_test_shearable }, counts );
CHECK( counts.size() == 1 );
CHECK( counts.count( mon_test_shearable ) > 0 );
TEST_CASE( "mongroup_multi_spawn_restrictions", "[mongroup]" )
const std::set<mtype_id> all_types { mon_test_shearable, mon_test_CBM, mon_test_zombie_cop };
SECTION( "no valid spawns" ) {
std::map<mtype_id, int> counts;
test_multi_spawn( mon_test_bovine, 5, 4, 6, calendar::turn_zero + 4 * 3_days,
all_types, counts );
CHECK( counts.empty() );
SECTION( "1 valid spawn, with DAY" ) {
std::map<mtype_id, int> counts;
test_multi_spawn( mon_test_bovine, 5, 4, 6, calendar::turn_zero + 4 * 3_days + 12_hours,
all_types, counts );
CHECK( counts.size() == 1 );
CHECK( counts.count( mon_test_zombie_cop ) > 0 );
SECTION( "1 valid spawn, with ends" ) {
std::map<mtype_id, int> counts;
test_multi_spawn( mon_test_bovine, 5, 4, 6, calendar::turn_zero + 1_days,
all_types, counts );
CHECK( counts.size() == 1 );
CHECK( counts.count( mon_test_CBM ) > 0 );
SECTION( "2 valid spawn, with ends and DAY" ) {
std::map<mtype_id, int> counts;
test_multi_spawn( mon_test_bovine, 5, 4, 6, calendar::turn_zero + 1_days + 12_hours,
all_types, counts );
CHECK( counts.size() == 2 );
CHECK( counts.count( mon_test_CBM ) > 0 );
CHECK( counts.count( mon_test_zombie_cop ) > 0 );
SECTION( "1 valid spawn, with starts" ) {
std::map<mtype_id, int> counts;
test_multi_spawn( mon_test_bovine, 5, 4, 6, calendar::turn_zero + 4 * 8_days,
all_types, counts );
CHECK( counts.size() == 1 );
CHECK( counts.count( mon_test_shearable ) > 0 );
SECTION( "2 valid spawn, with starts and DAY" ) {
std::map<mtype_id, int> counts;
test_multi_spawn( mon_test_bovine, 5, 4, 6, calendar::turn_zero + 4 * 8_days + 12_hours,
all_types, counts );
CHECK( counts.size() == 2 );
CHECK( counts.count( mon_test_shearable ) > 0 );
CHECK( counts.count( mon_test_zombie_cop ) > 0 );
SECTION( "no valid spawns, with mon_null" ) {
std::map<mtype_id, int> counts;
test_multi_spawn( mon_test_CBM, 5, 4, 6, calendar::turn_zero + 1_days,
{ mon_null, mon_test_CBM, mon_test_zombie_cop }, counts );
CHECK( counts.empty() );
SECTION( "1 valid spawn, with mon_null" ) {
std::map<mtype_id, int> counts;
test_multi_spawn( mon_test_CBM, 5, 4, 6, calendar::turn_zero + 4 * 3_days + 12_hours,
{ mon_null, mon_test_CBM, mon_test_zombie_cop }, counts );
CHECK( counts.size() == 1 );
CHECK( counts.count( mon_test_zombie_cop ) > 0 );