
118 lines
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#include "cata_catch.h"
#include "try_parse_integer.h"
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-avoid-c-arrays)
TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE( "try_parse_int_simple_parsing", "[try_parse_integer]", int, long, long long )
try {
std::locale::global( std::locale( "en_US.UTF-8" ) );
} catch( std::runtime_error & ) {
// On platforms where we can't set the locale, the test should still
// pass
CAPTURE( setlocale( LC_ALL, nullptr ) );
CAPTURE( std::locale().name() );
bool use_locale = GENERATE( false, true );
CAPTURE( use_locale );
SECTION( "successes" ) {
ret_val<TestType> result = try_parse_integer<TestType>( "1234", use_locale );
CAPTURE( result.str() );
CHECK( result.success() );
CHECK( result.value() == 1234 );
ret_val<TestType> result = try_parse_integer<TestType>( "-1234", use_locale );
CAPTURE( result.str() );
CHECK( result.success() );
CHECK( result.value() == -1234 );
ret_val<TestType> result = try_parse_integer<TestType>( "+1234", use_locale );
CAPTURE( result.str() );
CHECK( result.success() );
CHECK( result.value() == +1234 );
ret_val<TestType> result = try_parse_integer<TestType>( " 1234", use_locale );
CAPTURE( result.str() );
CHECK( result.success() );
CHECK( result.value() == 1234 );
SECTION( "errors" ) {
ret_val<TestType> result = try_parse_integer<TestType>( "", use_locale );
CHECK( !result.success() );
CHECK( result.str() == "Could not convert '' to an integer" );
ret_val<TestType> result = try_parse_integer<TestType>( "a", use_locale );
CHECK( !result.success() );
CHECK( result.str() == "Could not convert 'a' to an integer" );
// Verify that we detect overflow
ret_val<TestType> result =
try_parse_integer<TestType>( "999999999999999999999", use_locale );
CHECK( !result.success() );
CHECK( result.str() == "Could not convert '999999999999999999999' to an integer" );
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-avoid-c-arrays)
TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE( "try_parse_int_locale_parsing", "[try_parse_integer]", int, long, long long )
SECTION( "de_DE" ) {
try {
std::locale::global( std::locale( "de_DE.UTF-8" ) );
} catch( std::runtime_error & ) {
// On platforms where we can't set the locale, ignore this test
CAPTURE( setlocale( LC_ALL, nullptr ) );
CAPTURE( std::locale().name() );
// Disabling on Apple; seems like their C library doesn't do localized integer
// parsing.
#ifndef __APPLE__
ret_val<TestType> result = try_parse_integer<TestType>( "1.234", true );
CHECK( result.success() );
CHECK( result.value() == 1234 );
ret_val<TestType> result = try_parse_integer<TestType>( "1.234", false );
CHECK( !result.success() );
CHECK( result.str() == "Stray characters after integer in '1.234'" );
SECTION( "en_US" ) {
try {
std::locale::global( std::locale( "en_US.UTF-8" ) );
} catch( std::runtime_error & ) {
// On platforms where we can't set the locale, ignore this test
CAPTURE( setlocale( LC_ALL, nullptr ) );
CAPTURE( std::locale().name() );
#ifndef __APPLE__
ret_val<TestType> result = try_parse_integer<TestType>( "1,234", true );
CHECK( result.success() );
CHECK( result.value() == 1234 );
ret_val<TestType> result = try_parse_integer<TestType>( "1,234", false );
CHECK( !result.success() );
CHECK( result.str() == "Stray characters after integer in '1,234'" );