
37 lines
872 B

# make a barebones "value" array for any character
for (n=1;n<=26;n++) {
v[sprintf("%c", n+96)] = n
v[sprintf("%c", n+64)] = n + 26
# part 1
h = length($0)/2
split(substr($0, h+1), a)
for (c in a)
if (index(substr($0,1,h), a[c])) { # find the index of each "2nd half" character in the 1st half, if it exists (!= 0) then add value to t
t += v[a[c]]
# part 2
mem = (mem + 1) % 3 # count member in group
split($0, ma)
for (i in ma)
if (s[ma[i]] != 1) { # this is a really basic and naive (?) way to check if you've already seen a character but I wrote this at 03:00 AM cut me some slack
ga[ma[i]] += 1
s[ma[i]] = 1
split("", s) # this clears array s
if (mem == 0) {
for (c in ga)
if (ga[c] == 3)
gt += v[c]
split("", ga)
print "compartment total: " t
print "three-group total: " gt