# Hikari - Wayland Compositor ![Screenshot](https://acmelabs.space/~raichoo/hikari.png) ## Description _hikari_ is a stacking Wayland compositor with additional tiling capabilities, it is heavily inspired by the Calm Window manager (cwm(1)). Its core concepts are *views*, *groups*, *sheets* and the *workspace*. The workspace is the set of views that are currently visible. A sheet is a collection of views, each view can only be a member of a single sheet. Switching between sheets will replace the current content of the workspace with all the views that are a member of the selected sheet. _hikari_ has 9 general purpose sheets that correspond to the numbers **1** to **9** and a special purpose sheet **0**. Views that are a member of sheet **0** will always be visible but stacked below the views of the selected sheet. Groups are a bit more fine grained than sheets. Like sheets, groups are a collection of views. Unlike sheets you can have a arbitrary number of groups and each group can have an arbitrary name. Views from one group can be spread among all available sheets. Some operations act on entire groups rather than individual views. ## Setting up Wayland on FreeBSD Wayland currently requires some care to work properly on FreeBSD. This section aims to document the recent state of how to enable Wayland on the FreeBSD `STABLE` branch and will change once support is being improved. ### Mouse configuration To make mice work `kern.evdev.rcpt_mask` should be set to `12`. Depending on your version of FreeBSD this is done automatically or via setting the value in `/etc/sysctl.conf`. Some systems might require `moused` for mice to work. Enable it with `service moused enable`. This requires setting `kern.evdev.rcpt_mask` to `3`. ### Setting up XDG\_RUNTIME\_DIR This section describes how to use `/tmp` as your `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR`. Some Wayland clients (e.g. native Wayland `firefox`) require `posix_fallocate` to work in that directory. This is not supported by ZFS, therefore you should prevent the ZFS tmp dataset from mounting to `/tmp` and `mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp`. To persist this setting edit your `/etc/fstab` appropriately to automatically mount `tmpfs` during boot. Additionally set `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` to `/tmp` in your environment. ### Setting up PAM Setting up PAM is needed to give `hikari` the ability to unlock the screen when using the screen locker. Copy the appropriate `hikari-unlocker` file from the `pam.d` folder to `/usr/local/etc/pam.d` (or `/etc/pam.d` on most Linux systems). ### Setting up the keyboard layout `hikari` gets its keyboard settings from `xkb` environment variables. To select a layout set the `XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT` to the desired value before staring `hikari`. ``` XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT "de(nodeadkeys),de" ``` ## Building `hikari` currently only works on FreeBSD and Linux. This will likely change in the future when more systems adopt Wayland. When building directly from the repository, breaking changes might be encountered. These are documented in the `UPDATING` file which should be consulted before updating to a newer build. ### Dependencies * wlroots * pango * cairo * libinput * xkbcommon * pixman * libucl * evdev-proto * epoll-shim (FreeBSD) * XWayland (optional, runtime dependency) ### Compiling and Installing The build process will produce two binaries `hikari` and `hikari-unlocker`. The latter one is used to check credentials for unlocking the screen. Both need to be installed with root setuid in your `PATH`. `hikari` can be configured via `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/hikari/hikari.conf`, the default configuration can be found under `$PREFIX/etc/hikari/hikari.conf` (depending on the value of `PREFIX` that was specified during the installation). The default configuration expects your default terminal emulator to be specified in the `$TERMINAL` environment variable. The installation destination can be configured by setting `PREFIX` (default is `/usr/local` and does not need to be given explicitly). If you want to install `hikari` into a directory other than `/usr/local` you always should state the `PREFIX` when issuing `make`, since this information is also used to specify where `hikari` can find the default configuration on your system and is needed during the compilation process. To override installation paths for `etc` specify `ETC_PREFIX`. #### Building on FreeBSD Simply run `make`. The installation destination can be configured by setting `PREFIX` (default is `/usr/local` and does not need to be given explicitly). ``` make ``` `uninstall` requires the same values for prefixes. #### Building on Linux On Linux `bmake` is required which needs to be run like so: ``` bmake WITH_POSIX_C_SOURCE=YES ``` The installation destination can be configured by setting`PREFIX` (default is `/usr/local` and does not need to be given explicitly). ``` bmake PREFIX=/usr/local install ``` `uninstall` requires the same values for prefixes. ### Building with all features enabled The following sections explain how to enabled features on an individual basis. However, to enable every feature the build system offers the `WITH_ALL` flag. ``` make WITH_ALL=YES ``` #### Building with XWayland support `hikari` offers optional XWayland support which is enabled via setting `WITH_XWAYLAND`. ``` make WITH_XWAYLAND=YES ``` #### Building with screencopy support Screencopy support allows tools like `grim` to work with `hikari`, it also allows applications to copy the desktop content. This is disabled by default and can be added by setting `WITH_SCREENCOPY`. ``` make WITH_SCREENCOPY=YES ``` #### Building with gammacontrol support Gamma control is needed for tools like `redshift`. This is disabled by default and can be enabled via setting `WITH_GAMMACONTROL`. ``` make WITH_GAMMACONTROL=YES ``` #### Building with layer-shell support Some applications that are used to build desktop components require `layer-shell`. Examples for this are `waybar`, `wofi` and `slurp`. To turn on `layer-shell` support compile with the `WITH_LAYERSHELL` option. ``` make WITH_LAYERSHELL=YES ``` #### Building with virtual input support Virtual input support is needed for applications like `wayvnc`. ``` make WITH_VIRTUAL_INPUT=YES ``` #### Building the manpage Building the `hikari` manpage requires [`pandoc`](http://pandoc.org/). To build the manpage just run `make VERSION=1.0.0 doc`, where `VERSION` is the version number that will be spliced into the manpage. The distribution tarball of `hikari` comes with a precompiled manpage removing the need for a `pandoc` installation. #### Installing with SUID If `hikari` should require root privileges for startup, state `WITH_SUID=YES` during installation. ``` make WITH_SUID=YES install ``` #### Building a DEBUG build In the case of a crash or a bug you should build a debug version of `hikari` and try to reproduce the issue. This builds `hikari` with debug symbols and sanitizers enabled. Extracting a stack trace for debugging purposes is also very helpful if you are planning to submit a bug report. ``` make DEBUG=YES ``` ## Community The `hikari` community gears to be inclusive and welcoming to everyone, this is why we chose to adhere to the [Geekfeminism Code of Conduct](https://hikari.acmelabs.space/coc.html). If you care to be a part of our community, please join our Matrix chat at `#hikari:acmelabs.space` and/or subscribe to our mailing list by sending a mail to `hikari+subscribe@acmelabs.space`. ## Contributing Please make sure you use `clang-format` with the accompanying `.clang-format` configuration before submitting any patches.