Go to file
yff 5e37296829 added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
img added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
loc added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
snd added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
DungeonGen.js added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
README.md added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
_jslist.txt added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
ajax.js added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
base64.js added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
dungeons.js added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
excanvas.compiled.js added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
grab.txt added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
index.html added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
main.js added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
minigameGarden.js added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
minigameGrimoire.js added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
minigameMarket.js added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
minigamePantheon.js added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
showads.js added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00
style.css added base files 2022-08-05 17:02:11 +08:00



The original game can be found at http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/

This mirror for, errrr, like, educational purpose, either to download for your own offline education or to be played online from http://ozh.github.io/cookieclicker/ if you cannot "educate" yourself on the original URL

How to update

If the original game updates, here is how you can update the mirror:

1. Fetch all new images :

From the root,

  • cd img/
  • wget --convert-links -O index.html http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/img/
  • grep -v PARENTDIR index.html | grep '\[IMG' | grep -Po 'a href="\K.*?(?=")' | sed 's/\?.*//' > _imglist.txt
  • wget -N -i _imglist.txt -B http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/img/

2. Fetch all new sounds :

Similarly, from the root :

  • cd snd/
  • wget --convert-links -O index.html http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/snd/
  • grep -v PARENTDIR index.html | grep '\[SND' | grep -Po 'a href="\K.*?(?=")' | sed 's/\?.*//' > _sndlist.txt
  • wget -N -i _sndlist.txt -B http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/snd/

3. Fetch all new translations :

Similarly, from the root :

  • cd loc/
  • wget --convert-links -O index.html http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/loc/
  • grep -v PARENTDIR index.html | grep '\[ ' | grep -Po 'a href="\K.*?(?=")' | sed 's/\?.*//' > _loclist.txt
  • wget -N -i _loclist.txt -B http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/loc/

4. Update js and html files :

From the root directory :

  • Fetch the updated index.html file: wget -O index.html http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/
  • Fetch the updated style.css file: wget -O style.css http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/style.css
  • Fetch updated js files : wget -N -i _jslist.txt -B http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/
  • Scan index.html for any new <script src and also main.js for any new local javascript (eg Game.last.minigameUrl). If there are new scripts, update the _jslist.txt accordingly.
  • In main.js there is a call to a remote script we need to modify:
    • Look for ajax('/patreon/grab.php' and replace it with ajax('grab.txt'
    • In the root: wget -O grab.txt http://orteil.dashnet.org/patreon/grab.php

5. Report update here :)

If you happen to update, please make a pull request for others to benefit, thanks!