• v1.1.0 d0867f30a9

    yosh released this 2023-05-22 00:03:26 -05:00 | 7 commits to master since this release

    there's so many things that changed here, that it'd be impossible to list them all. everything in this update was made possible by bit#8289 on discord. give them some love. here's the highlights:

    • custom body colors work now!!!! you can change the beige and grey colors to be any arbitrary colors that you want. in-game, this is painfully editing the rgb values itself, but you can change the config file manually for nice hex value changes
      • massive overhaul of the code in general (only like. 5% of my code is in the thing now . lol). the color changing is shader-based instead of colorgrade-based. yippee!!
    • celestenet support!! you can send/receive your avali to other celestenet players (including the colors), make everyone an avali on your end, etc.
    • better creation pipeline, now with a fancy makefile
    • many, many bug fixes