2024-02-20T02:15:31Z - 2024-05-20T01:15:31Z


0 Active Pull Requests
5 Active Issues
Excluding merges, 1 author has pushed 4 commits to main and 10 commits to all branches. On main, 122 files have changed and there have been 10951 additions and 10935 deletions.

5 Issues created by 1 user

Opened #2 wlroots 0.16 tracking 2024-02-24 03:24:59 -06:00

Opened #3 No surface enter event (causes yambar to crash) 2024-02-25 22:23:05 -06:00

Opened #4 option to disable sloppy focusing 2024-02-25 23:00:00 -06:00

Opened #5 split maximize and fullscreen actions 2024-03-09 20:08:22 -06:00

Opened #6 gtk4 software crashes because of assertions 2024-03-30 20:57:46 -05:00